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Emergency Solutions Grant

The Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) program provides homeless persons with basic shelter and essential supportive services. It can assist with the operational costs of the shelter facility, and for the administration of the grant. ESG also provides short-term homeless prevention assistance to persons at imminent risk of losing their own housing due to eviction, foreclosure, or utility shutoffs.

2022 Emergency Service Grant Brochure

Eligible Activities
Street outreach; engaging the unsheltered homeless and connecting to services
Emergency Shelter; operations and essential services, such as case management
Rapid-Rehousing homeless individuals and families
Prevent homeless families and individuals from becoming homeless
Eligible Beneficiaries
All participants must meet HUD’s homeless and at-risk for homelessness definitions. For Homeless Prevention funds clients must be “at-risk” AND below 30% AMI. Please see Appendix B in the ESG RFP Instructions for details on HUD’s homelessness categories and relevant ESG components
ESG Additional Requirements
Funding Caps
No more than 60% of ESG funds are available for Street Outreach and Emergency Shelter projects.
The remaining 40% will be allocated across other eligible ESG activities

Match! - Applicant must provide 100% match for the ESG funds.

ESG grantees MUST work with and participate in the Continuum of Care (CoC): The Hudson County Alliance to End Homelessness

HMIS - ESG supported programs are required to input program beneficiary data into the Homeless Management and Information System.
Request for Proposal and Application

ESG Blank Application 

Applicants need to create an account with Neighborly to access the ESG Blank Application/RFP: Neighborly Software

ESG Program Fact Sheet
Housing First Check List