Provide feedback and nominate other locations using the Jersey City Slow Streets Survey.
About the Pilot
Due to the Covid-19 safety measures, the City of Jersey City is working to provide residents additional open space that supports safe physical activity by designating certain streets throughout the City as “Slow Streets”. These streets will be closed to through traffic so that people can more comfortably use them for physically distant walking, wheelchair rolling, jogging, biking and exercising all across the City.
Jersey City Slow Streets is a pilot project and all closures are a temporary measure. Changes may be made throughout the pilot project based on public feedback and the impact on public health and safety. The pilot will last until further notice. Designated streets will be marked with traffic barricades and signs at intersections.
Slow Streets will:
- create safe outdoor space for recreation on neighborhood streets
- be in effect 24/7 until further notice
- allow local traffic access
- require vehicular traffic to travel at 10 mph or slower
- maintain all existing parking
- allow emergency vehicle access
- NOT allow through traffic
- require social distancing
Drivers should avoid these streets unless it's absolutely necessary to access your home or business, or in emergency situations.
Drivers should drive slowly (10 mph or slower) at all times on these streets and expect to share the road equitably with pedestrians and cyclists.
Everyone should maintain Social Distancing at ALL times. Slow Streets will be used for walking, jogging, cycling, etc. by individuals and families.
Slow Streets Locations
To launch the program, the three streets listed below will be transformed into Slow Streets immediately:
Cross Streets
Senate Place + Dey Street
Entire Length
Nelson Avenue
Bleecker St to Leonard St
E |
4th Street |
Grove St to Monmouth St |
These additional streets are also being considered:
Cross Streets
A |
Cator Avenue |
Rose Ave to Old Bergen Road |
McAdoo Avenue
West Side Ave to Rutgers Ave
Belmont Avenue
West Side Ave to Summit Ave
Clerk Street
Bramhall Ave to Wilkinson Ave
E |
3rd Street |
Newark Ave to Grove Street |
To help visualize the lengths and locations of these streets, please refer to this MAP.
Slow Street FAQ
Who can use the Slow Streets?
Like other streets, Slow Streets are open to people using all modes of travel (people in a car, on foot, on a bike/scooter/skateboard, in a wheelchair, etc.). Drivers should expect to encounter pedestrians and cyclists in the middle of the street, and share the space with them by yielding and driving 10 mph or slower.
Vehicular access is restricted to Local Traffic Only. This means that people who live or work on a Slow Street, delivery vehicles, emergency vehicles, street sweepers, waste collection, etc. can still drive and park on these streets.
How is a Slow Street different from other streets?
Barricades and "Road Closed to Thru Traffic" signs have been placed at the intersections to reduce high-speed cut-through traffic. By doing so, these low-volume streets allow residents to more comfortably use the street for physical activity and recreating. Vehicular traffic should obey the 10 mph posted signs.
Can I still drive and park on the Slow Street?
Yes, you can still drive (slowly) and park as usual. All existing parking is still available, but street cleaning and all other parking regulations will remain in effect.
Do the closures mean this is a one-way street now?
No, Slow Streets maintains the orientation of the street. For example, Nelson Avenue is a two-way street and remains open in both directions.
Will there be outdoor seating on Slow Streets like the other pedestrian plazas?
No, Slow Streets are intended to create safe outdoor space for physical activity (walking, biking, jogging, wheelchair rolling, etc). They will not be programmed like the Pedestrian Plazas.
How will enforcement of parking and resident access be affected?
There is no change to parking or resident access with these restrictions. Local vehicular traffic will continue to be permitted under Slow Streets.
Is this permanent?
No, this is a pilot program intended to create safe outdoor space for physical activity and essential travel during the COVID-19 pandemic.
How can I provide feedback?
Where can I report issues?
The online survey or the WOTS app.
What else is Jersey City doing in response to COVID-19?
Visit www.jcnj.org to learn about all of our ongoing efforts and view this MAP for all COVID-related transportation improvements.
Stay Informed
If you wish to stay up to date with this project please fill out the Jersey City Slow Streets Survey and provide your contact information or continue checking the project webpage for updates and news.
Help us get the word out by sharing this information with your friends and neighbors.
Follow @JerseyCity and @VisionZeroJC on social media for updates and share your photos using #JCSlowStreets.